Jamestown church of Christ

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One cold evening in early December a visibly excited little boy came running into his father’s study with a tightly folded sheet of paper and an urge…

There is much in the four written accounts of Jesus’ life that point to his humanity. Jesus was born (Luke 2.7), matured (Luke 2.40), became tired (J…

Cornelius was a good man.

Acts 10.2 tells us that this Roman centurion was “a devout man who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously …

Seven days.

Those had been His words, His instructions, His deadline.

Samuel had promised to meet Saul in Gilgal, the site of a mustering, anxious Isra…

What do you do when you become conscious of your evil, both past and present?

Why does a holy God move forward with His historically and presently un…

(This article was written on November 4th, the day before the November 5th elections in our country, with the most noteworthy that for the office of …

Recently many people around our country gathered around tables laden with delicious food and shared in a very special meal that we call Thanksgiving.…

The life and service of the priest, prophet, and judge Samuel was, in a word, blameless. In 1 Sam. 12.3-5, Samuel asks the gathered Israelite peoples…

Perseverance is the choice Christians make daily to continue in their Christianity.

Fasting as described in scripture is the refusal to partake in food for a period to beseech God for a blessing of some sort. This is different from f…

Recently in our Sunday morning Bible class we discussed the letters to the seven churches of Asia (Rev. 2-3). The final letter is to Laodicea, a cong…